when my journey begins....

Wednesday 14 March 2007

yesterday i reach KLIA around 7 smthg.....then we check-in there wit my luggage.....n we eat our lunch there at KFC restaurant.....hmmm...delicious.......hehehe.....

tis is a pic of my bro eating KFC.....

me n my family pic b4 i enter d boarding room......
hazizah n i when we r on our way 2 korea (Incheon airport)......
once we reach korea airport d representative from d Daejeon University come 2 pick us up.......
my 1st ride in korea......
d Daejeon city where my uni located.....
once i reach i check-in 2 my room......2 ppl per room n my roommate is from brunei.....hehe.....she is so nice.......

later i wen 4 my lunch......d meat is quite ok but, d vege n d soup here very spicy....i only eat some of it only...not even 10% of the food.......haih....i think i can diet over here.....

good la.....muahaha.......wen return m'sia sure slim d....

tata i'm tired now...gotta pack my thgs then i rest le...will update my blog soon k.....

3 Opinion(s):

Anonymous said...

wow .... really envy u la ....can have so good experince eventhough at 1st u must not used to be there hope u enjoy there ... i see the photo me also feel very happy if i can go there like u ...

oot-oot said...

hey....sorry didn't really have time to hang out with u before u off to korea.

but hey...i wish u all da best alrite and ah...take alot alot pic n post it online for us to see ok!

lastly...do rmb us back in KL...and bought us some small gift when u back


Anonymous said...

Lyn...Hope u can get used the life and food in Korea soon...take k n keep it touch ya.( i m cheewen la)