Wednesday, 4 April 2007
yesterday nite i attend d welcoming party from SEM 2 all d ASEAN students.....SEM is a club or a association 4 all d international student in Daejeon University.....all d international student in SEM will hav a free Korean Language tutorial from d volunteer tat includes businessman, lecturer or students....SEM also organized many trip 2 d international students 2 tour around Korea.....therefore, i'm so glad 2 join tis association.....
last nite, SEM actually arganized a welcoming party 4 us in d near-by restaurant.....hehe...below r some of the pic taken during d party.....
tis is wat we eat at d restaurant.....few dishes....but main dish is d meat....will fry it in d pan.....hmmm...nice n delicious.....we'll put those meat on d frying pan n fry it......nice...hmm...
fry fry fry...hurry...its cooking n all of us adi hungry le...
busy wit d cooking....hehe...
nary wit d meat......
guys stop eating n look at d camera....cheeze.....
after we eat....we need 2 sing a song for evry1.....d 1st song is from d SEM teacher n lecturer....its d welcoming song from SEM 2 us....
later its d delegates from China....
d malay delegates.....
delegates from d philippines....
the malaysian.....guess wat song we sang?....muahaha...our national anthem......"negaraku, tanah tumpahnya negaraku......" hehe...crazy malaysian......
another 3 malaysian....
after singing....we take picture again...muahaha......all crazy gal.....
crazy gal again.....
ouch....who pull my ear.....bad pun chin gu (naughty friend)....
the gals outside d restaurant....
after tat dinner....we need 2 walk bck 2 our dorm..... :( so tis windy n cold nite......
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